What makes TRP's writing his?
Wolfe, Skip
crw4 at NIP1.EM.CDC.GOV
Tue Feb 20 08:32:53 CST 1996
Brian D. McCary writes:
> Which raises the quesition: What makes Pynchon's writing uniquely his?
> What characteristics should a piece have before it may properly be
> as "Pynchonian"? I know what I think of when I think of him:
> 1) Wordplay, crosscultural puns, meanings in names, ect (see recent
> 2) Overt theams of paranoia, and specifically cabals and coverups
> 3) Pop Culture Hooks
> 4) "Encyclopidic" historical and scientific referances
> 5) Use of basic science concepts as central metephors and structuring
> devices (entropy, ballistics, organic chemistry, ect)
> 6) Nondeterministic story lines, the dissolution of Slothrop and V
> being the prime but not the only examples
> 7) Rapid stylistic intercutting (low comedy to high tragedy to
> introspection)
In addition to these devices, or elements of his writing, there's also
Pynchon's style (or styles) itself that makes his writing distinctly his.
Like Arthur Conan-Doyle's Sherlock Holmes style, there are superficial
features that can be copied without really capturing the essence. In the
few instances I've seen of people trying to imitate TRP's style (usually the
slangy, casual, "Slothrop/Profane" style) the results have been lame. Even
Salmon Rushdie's review of _Vineland_ I thought faltered when he tried to
sound like a valley-boy.
It would be interesting to try to pin down what makes this style, which
seems like it should be easily copied, so hard to successfully imitate in
actuality. For instance, when Pynchon stutters on the word a-and, or uses
the word "that" before a noun (" . . . that Mickey Rooney"), he does it
_right_. When others try these tricks, they often seem awkward and forced
-- or at least non-Pynchonian. So what are the subtle currents in the
prose's dynamic that tell you when to stutter and when not to? The one
Wanda Tinasky letter I saw seemed bogus to me in part because of [her]
less-than-graceful use of some of these Pynchon conventions. IMO he's also
one of the few writers who can write unobtrusively in the present tense.
There are other things I think help define his style -- using just the
right verb, for instance, often eliminating the need for adverbs -- but
anyway, what do y'all think?
Skip Wolfe
crw4 at nip1.em.cdc.gov
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