1st Edition, "V"

LOT64 at aol.com LOT64 at aol.com
Tue Jan 2 21:09:17 CST 1996


That seems to be the going rate.  V is the rarest of all the Pynchon books
and I have seen firsts advertised at prices from $500 up to $1000.  If this
is in mint condition with an intact unclipped dustcover I think its a good
deal.  I'd buy it myself but I'm still hoping to come across a copy for a
buck at a garage sale or something like that.  I just can't figure out if I
should look for these garage sales in college towns or in affluent suburbs or
off the sidewalk in a large metropolis?

I wonder how many copies of V were sold in the first edition, it would be
interesting if anyone had the figures at hand.

Ron Churgin

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