
Andrew Dinn andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
Fri Jan 5 03:10:34 CST 1996

Jhildt at aol.com writes:

> Call me irresponsible, but I prefer to consider all people capable of insight
> into many things; while "experts" often disagree among themselves.  We don't
> even know if poor ol' vB even uttered the words attributed to him by P.  If
> he did, they certainly don't purport to be anything other than personal
> observation, opinion.  

Call me cynical but I prefer to consider most people capable of
insight into relatively few things, particularly outside of subjects
to which they have addressed themselves at length, breadth and with
studious attention to detail [in all its horrible complexity].
Residence in academe is incidental to such a criterion.

> As to Hawking and Einstein, "problematic" relative to what?        

Problematic relative to the subjects with respect to which they choose
to pontificate. Hawking's comments regarding philosophy betray not, as
intended, a sympathy with the ancients who created a now decadent
tradition but rather the buffoonish and blinkered ignorance all too
prevalent among scientists who glibly transform their mathematical
concepts into metaphysical conceits (in particular, regarding the
supplied quote, if Hawking had payed more attention to the abuse of
language in his execrable pseudo-history he might have removed many of
the confusions which enabled him to bamboozle his way to the top of
the best-seller list). Personally, I'd rather stand 10 rounds with
P.T. Barnum.

P.S. Good to be back on the list after a month's holiday.

Andrew Dinn
Daran, nachdem die Wasserwogen / Von unsrer Suendflut sich verzogen
Der allerschoenste Regenbogen / Als Gottes Gnadenzeichen steht!

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