Unchristian COL49

JM plachazu at ccnet.ccnet.com
Wed Jan 10 11:25:55 CST 1996

I must have had upwards of five separate "tacky-covered" paperbacks of 
COL49 pass through my hands (as I've always enjoyed handing the book 
to friends and saying, "Here.  Read this.") and I don't remember seeing 
such a blurb (that this work is of an Unchristian nature) on any of them.  
I'd like to see it, though.  Could this blurb be as chimerical as the source of 
the WvB quote in GR?  
PS    The Doc Holiday resting place is at Glenwood Springs, Colorado.  (I 
just passed through there on Amtrak, myself.)             

PPS  One of the funniest reactions I ever got from someone I'd given 
COL49 to was from a co-worker who got stuck somewhere in "The 
Courier's Tragedy" and then gave the book back to me saying sadly: "If 
you can get through this you're a better man than I."  Another co-worker 
stuggled for a year before finally getting all the way through.    

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