Autobiography & a couple of puzzles

davemarc davemarc at
Sun Jan 14 00:48:00 CST 1996

At 10:56 AM 1/13/96 -0800, Tom Maddox wrote:

>Which reminds me:  as the Pynchon Industry (you don't have to hold up your
>hands; we know who you are) has exfoliated over the past thirty years, I've
>not seen good commentary or annotation to two semiotic events, one from
>_V._ the other from _GR_.
>>From _V._  the punchline to Fu's joke:  "Was that not a curious minstrel?"
>(I'm doing this from memory because my copy of the book is elsewhere; hope
>that's right.)  Anyway, is that a pun?  It *feels* like one.  If not, what
>is it?  Just a little narrative itch I've never been able to scratch.
I wonder if that could be a pun on wondering/wandering minstrel.


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