booze & daddaist (auto)biography of TRP

Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt hag at
Sun Jan 14 12:21:10 CST 1996

Chris Stolz says re. TRP and wine:
> 	No.  he drinks beer.  He's not a yuppie twerp.
>  He doesn't drink wine.
> 	My own image of Mr. Pynchon is as you can see somewhat
> more proletarian than yours.  

Here in South Africa wine is a lot cheaper than beer (re. alcohol 
content, almost three times cheaper), and so the proles often drink 
wine - depending on the time of the week/month (I drink both, 
depending on food/mood/wallet).

Wine: from around R15 (about $4,20) for five liters, reasonable 
quality, very drinkable, about 13% alcohol per volume.
Beer: from around R30 ($8,40) per case (nine liters), ditto as to 
quality, around 5% alcohol per volume.

hag at

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