Virtual Biography

Mon Jan 15 09:25:55 CST 1996

Aaron Yeater suggests:
"I was with you thru the last one...but i dunna think TRP is a
baseball man...doesn't appeal to his more ominous imagination...nope,
i think he watches football, maybe college ball--no game is more
genuinely unindividual, more plotted from above, more about systems
of control than personal expression...He loves the "marking the
screen with a virtual marker" effect..."

I think soccer or even hockey is more likely--the continual flow of the games,
marked by that obsession at sinking the ball or the puck into a net tended
only by a hapless goalie, whose main job is to stop said object and who stands
in danger of getting trammeled in one way or another, and particularly the
fabled violence of the latter sport, with its possibilities for life on the
edge--rather like the runcible spoon fight in GR.

Or maybe he avoids sports altogether and just hangs out at music stores, 
picking up arrangements for harmonica and/or kazoo.

Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)

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