Vineland: remainders

Bonnie Surfus ENG surfus at
Tue Jan 16 08:23:26 CST 1996

I got my Viking hardover edition off the remainders table (is THAT what 
it's called?) for $5.00.  I couldn't believe it.  I also got a softcover 
copy at the same bookstore (Walden) for the same amount.

> Is it my imagination, or do the amount of copies of Vineland on the 
> remainders table nver cease.  Every year, it seems I see more and more.  
> How were the sales for Vinland?  Did GR end up on remainders tables 
> also?  What have been the sales like for TRP's work?  Sorry for all the 
> "commercial" questions.
> In regard to one of the recent doubt about it, TRP would be 
> a baseball fan assuming he follows any sport.  C'mon, baseball is THE 
> writer's sport.  And TRP did mention baseball in GR, also.
> John

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