Baseball Redux
Cal McInvale
mexico at
Tue Jan 16 14:59:48 CST 1996
>Cos the Beatles are boring-- they are the Mozart of rock music,
>nice and clever-- and they sure don't stack up to Monk, Coltrane
>Bird et al who are the man's real pop-cultural loves.
Okay, here's one for ya: If the Beatles are so goddam boring & that's why
Pynchon doesn't like 'em, how come is it that he likes Lotion? They're not
exactly the Monks, Coltranes or Minguses of the rock genre, y'know.
>If I met him I would ask him about movies. I bet he would have
>fabulously interesting things to say about movies. Come to think
>of it, I bet you could talk about pretty much anything with him
>except his own work.
Two things here: Aside from literature, Pyncon seems to be most
knowledgeable about films. They get far more mention in his work than any
other art genre. So much so, in fact, that I'm led to believe he spends an
extraordinary amount of time watching flicks.
mexico at
Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in
Congress - but I repeat myself.
-- Mark Twain
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