Do I hear a waltz?

Jhildt at Jhildt at
Thu Jan 18 02:02:40 CST 1996

Did somebody just try to put down the Beatles by comparing them to Mozart!

            Hummm ...

For what it's worth, I'm with Grant (the Great) White when he points out that
TP knows his classical music.  I can also attest to the accuracy of his opera

Hey, the man likes music.  Not just some music.  Music.  Good music, sure, as
opposed to bad, with stars awarded for taste (there's no accounting for it).
But not jazz as opposed to rock
  or blues
  or vaudville
  or Stravinsky
  or Spike Jones
  or some sailor's ditty.

For many, I suspect Pynchon included, the love of music is ecumenical.  

Count me in.
                   from the wilds of the Westside,

                   And sorry, Will -- the Beach Boys are awesome. 

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