Terry Gilliam

Chris Stolz cstolz at acs.ucalgary.ca
Thu Jan 18 18:42:03 CST 1996

I was quite disappointed wiuth _12 Monkeys_.

If you want the real thing--

1) Chris Marker's _la jetee_

2)  Gilliam's _Brazil_, an absolutely brilliant film about
dystopias, imagination, technology, etc etc and the only
worthwhile screen version of _1984_.


chris stolz		16 oakview pl. sw calgary ab canada t2v-3z9
cstolz at acs.ucalgary.ca	(403) 281-6794

"But you must admit that our ignorance is manifestly of a very rich 
and varied sort?" said Ulrich.

			Robert Musil, _The Man Without Qualities_		

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