Terry Gilliam

Nigel E. Richardson nigel at impolex.demon.co.uk
Fri Jan 19 05:32:17 CST 1996

> From:          "Anne N. Thalheimer" <motes at UDel.Edu>

> Hi all, this is the first time I've said anything on this list, but I've 
> decided to add that I just saw the monkey movie last night and I honestly 
> didn't think instantly of any TRP parallels.  Anyone else?
> anne

You'll find in this group that folks do tend to assume that any new film 
or book (or piece of music even) that they like has obviously been influenced
by Pynchon. I'm as guilty as anyone else....

Of course, seeing as Pynchon's work tends to take in everything, it's 
inevitable that other writers, directors, whatever, will use the same 
themes. Paranoia, entropy, film history, aligators in the sewers, rockets, 
stocking tops, IG Farben, drugs, war-time London, dentistry, nosejobs, 
stamp forgeries.... some topics, no matter how they're approached, will 
always remain Pynchonesque to us....


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