Lurkers Awake!

Chris Stolz cstolz at
Wed Jan 24 20:33:53 CST 1996

Me, I'm the opposite:  my fave by far is _CL49_.  I think _GR_ is
turgid, over-written, fundamentally simplistic and too full of
pointless purple prose.  For all that, I still like it some.
_CL49_ is elegant, eliptical and suggestive where _GR_ is overly

By the way, Bloom's argument about _CL49_ is that it gives him
the sense that _Miss Lonelyhearts_ is imitating it...

chris stolz		16 oakview pl. sw calgary ab canada t2v-3z9
cstolz at	(403) 281-6794

"But you must admit that our ignorance is manifestly of a very rich 
and varied sort?" said Ulrich.

			Robert Musil, _The Man Without Qualities_		

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