Pynchonesque lyrics in a "Polish death metal band"??
Brian Stonehill Media Studies Pomona College
Sun Jan 28 00:40:00 CST 1996
Greetings, friends. Someone just passed along these sympathetically vibrating
lyrics, a-and I thought you might like to see 'em!
From: IN%"sven at" 20-JAN-1996 19:55:29.00
To: IN%"bstonehill at POMONA.EDU", IN%"fvasquez at POMONA.EDU", IN%"jaufrecht at POMONA.EDU"
Subj: Pynchonian?
just bought this album today, and found some relevant material on the first
track. this is from VADER, a polish death metal band.
"Trystero is the name of the oldest conspiracy in the world which started
off in the early XIII century and has supposedly survived until our times.
In modern times the Trystero couriers used waste bins to pass their secret
messages. The main aim of the organization was undermining of all official
power in all its guises. Trystero is reported to have been active in
Amerika for hte past 200 years, but no definite evidence has ever been found."
SILENT EMPIRE (lyrics - pawel frelik)
We await the silent empire
The timleess domain of disinherited ones
We do believe in silence
All that is hidden and hushed serves our quest
The spaceless kingdom of ones that expect
The nameless worshippers of future to come
When the courier's sign glimmers in the dark
We rise our eyes in wait
Our heads - that's where it dwells
Our heads - that's where it ripens
Our hopes - that's where it reigns
You'd better never antagonize the horn
We wish to disremember the defeated cause
Lost in the maze of the world
We restlessly seek way out and up
To evil towers, to another fall
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