Son of Recommended Reading
Christopher Brayshaw
brayshaw at
Sun Jan 28 18:37:09 CST 1996
Sorry to pick up on a thread which was pretty well exhausted back in
December, but I've just finished one of the best short stories to come
along since DeLillo's "Pafko at the Wall," in HARPER'S a year or two
back, and thought All & Sundry might be interested...
The piece in question is called, "Receding Horizon," by Jonathan Letham
and Carter Scholz, and can be found in the latest issue of CRANK!
magazine, out of Cambridge MA., which for to my way of thinking is the
most sophisticated and underrated SF magazine to appear since SF EYE,
which, in any event, never published fiction.
"Receding Horizon" concerns a not-to-be-named-here Czech writer, who
moves to Hollywood to work as a screenwriter for Frank Capra. It owes
much to Borges, the Dick of "The Man in the High Castle," and maybe just
a little to the "contemporary LA" section of GR. There's much more, of
course, but anything resembling a plot summary will more or less give
away the story, so...
CRANK! also features Mike Bishop's "I, Iscariot," a not-too-subtle take
on a certain infamous Televised Trial.
At any rate, both of these are well worth $4, and I look forward to
hearing what other list members think of 'em...(Paul diF, have you, already?)
Chris Brayshaw
Token Canadian critic, THE COMICS JOURNAL, and full-time library
flunkie from snowy, cold, Vancouver, B.C.
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