recent movies
Paul Murphy
paul.murphy at
Mon Jul 8 23:36:10 CDT 1996
Christopher Tassava wrote:
>Speaking of recently released, subversive movies:
>Has anyone seen Jarmusch's _Dead Man_, with Depp, Farmer, et al?
Not yet, but I will, on the strength of Hoberman's review in the Voice --
he called it "Cormac McCarthy as filmed by Tarkovsky". Some folks I know
who've seen it hated it -- boring, pretentious, yadda yadda yadda; but
that's what people also say about McCarthy and Tarkovsky, both of whom
figure highly in my hierarchy of artists. (Someone on this list complained
about _Blood Meridian_ a while back -- a really fine novel IMO, its dull
stretches redeemed by a brilliant finish). BTW, Sayles' new one, _Lone
Star_, is a disappointment, well-intentioned and well-acted, but somewhat
trite (the mystery of patrimony etc.)
Paul Murphy
paul.murphy at
"The earth that has grown remote to itself is without
the hope the stars once promised. It is sinking into empty
galaxies. On it lies beauty as the reflection of past hope,
which fills the dying eye until it is frozen below the
flakes of unbounded space"
-T.W. Adorno, _Mahler: a Musical Physiognomy_
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