ckaratnytsky at ckaratnytsky at
Wed Jul 10 09:39:09 CDT 1996

     My two cents re Michael Briggs' criticisms after One Whole Week on the 
     U-um, hey, Michael, you may not have wanted to sound like a jerk (to 
     use your rather well-chosen word) re Andrew Dinn's remarks, but here's 
     a news flash, Quick Draw:  you did.  Your comments were unkind and 

     Another thing:  I'm sorry you haven't found the TV discussion 
     scintillating, but if you don't like a particular thread you don't 
     have to participate.  (That's why God made the delete key, after all.) 
     But, my goodness, to whine "Can we talk about something else, please?" 
     Grow up.
     Another thing:  If you had lurked for longer than a week (or did some 
     reading in the archive--what a concept), you would have discovered 
     that many of us on the list are participating in an organized reading 
     and discussion of V., which you may find more to your liking.  The 
     next stop on the V. bus is 7/21, when we begin our discussion of 
     Chapters 6 - 9.

     Welcome, I think.  Harumph.

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