FWD>RE>Sokal again. Drat!

Maribeth Swiatek maribeth_swiatek at qmgate.anl.gov
Wed Jul 24 12:22:44 CDT 1996

Mail*Link(r) SMTP               FWD>RE>Sokal again. Drat!

Date: 7/23/96 9:39 PM
From: Paul Mackin

 >Yes, but didn't those guys think they had really discovered something?
>Can't remember.

That they did.  Their mistake was the honest one; it was just those who jumped
on the bandwagon with intentionally wrong results that made it a big deal
worthy of writing a whole book on.


>scientific acolytes who can't hack it as a practicing scientist but 
>can produce lots of material for the layman to read.
>Do you find the writings of say, Roger Penrose or Steven Weinberg to be 
>of this type? (I mean the writings meant for a moderately educated 

Penrose?  Not a bit.  I think Penrose did a good job at least explaining his
argument on AI to the masses in a clear, mostly efficient manner.  Whether or
not he is correct, however, is obviously up for debate.

-- mb

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