Normal, Ill

LBernier at LBernier at
Wed May 1 16:03:17 CDT 1996

     DFW lives in Bloomington, which is (I think) hyphenated to 
     Bloomington-Normal.  Always sounded sounded like a swear word to me.  
     "How Bloomington-Normal that boy is.  Wish he'd shake it up a little!"
     Also hyphenated is the ever-so-charming Champaign-Urbana, which is 
     decidedly non-urban, and would never inspire the popping of a cork. 
     Course it is where that WWW thing got unleashed on the cyber-world.
     Jean, who tries not to think about downstate Illinois too much, since 
     it reminds her that Chicago and her little Evanston enclave are 
     surrounded by cows on all sides, which, according to Oprah, could go 
     mad at any second . . .

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Normal, Ill
Author:  Ted Samsel <tejas at> at Internet_tco
Date:    5/1/96 1:36 PM

Isn't Normal where DFW teaches? (ISU)
And Normal is where there is a huge sexual harrassment case going 
on between EEOC & Mitsubishi.
It's one of those hyphenated towns in Ill. Like Shampoo-Banana.
Ted Samsel....tejas at  *1996* Year of the Accordion~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         "Home of the brave, land of the free,
          I don't want to be mistreated by no bourgoisie."
                                     Huddie Ledbetter

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