
Wed May 8 16:55:31 CDT 1996

Heikki explains:
"The number 1735 has roused endless speculations and arguments among
Pynchonologists; truth to tell, there is a legion of competent 18th
century specialists, among other numerologists, who indefatigably try
to solve the problem. The annual ASECS conference runs "numerous"
competing panels on the question, each branch boycotting all the others.
I have always been a despised lone wolf with my suggestion:
in 1735 Alexander Baumgarten publishes his thesis, where he lays the
grounds for the distinct sphere of the science of the beautiful. He
names this science "aesthetics", to be strictly distinguished from
"philosophy",  "history", etc.
But the art of guys like Pynchon is art of contamination, where pure,
autonomous aesthetic spheres prove impossible, I dare say. . . . "

I think you are on the wrong track here.  Is it not true that there are on
this earth 1,735 of the Righteous (dudes) who have completely read and truly
understand GR?  

And that, when all have typed the words SUBSCRIBE PYNCHON-L, the purpose of
the universe will have been fulfilled?

Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)
(thinking millenially again!)

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