American Culture

Wolfe, Skip crw4 at NIP1.EM.CDC.GOV
Sat May 25 16:32:00 CDT 1996

Hartwin Alfred Gebhardt sez:

"At his best, [TRP is] not an American author at all, but a world author."

Yes -- and in his excellent essay "Gravity's Encyclopedia" ( in _Mindful 
Pleasures_), Edward Mendelson identifies _GR_ as the international 
encyclopedic narrative (only one allowed per nation or culture, and _Moby 
Dick_ is already the USA's).  (According to Mendelson, an encyclopedic 
narrative appears "near the beginning of a culture's or a nation's sense of 
its own separate existence.")  This implies the advent of an international 
culture and TRP, I guess, as its spokesman or encyclopedist.

     Skip Wolfe
     crw4 at

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