australian/sokel hoax

erik burns erikburns at
Mon May 27 12:21:07 CDT 1996

foax: another cute hoax that bears on the Sokel Event occurred in Australia
in the 40s. A pair of young (and angry) writers fobbed off a bunch of "fake"
modern poetry in the Eliotic style on an unwitting literary magazine. The
author - for whom they had created a most marvelously untraceable history -
was a cause celebre for a while, and then the scam was blown. A nice, neat
history of the thing was published a cupla years ago as THE ERN MALLEY
AFFAIR. Fun to read, and a nice tack on the importance of the author and
his/her biography. Y'see, it turns out that these pomes they had created
were actually pretty good reading.

or I thought so, anyway.


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