FInal? Thoughts on

jm plachazu at
Mon Nov 18 20:58:25 CST 1996

Andrew writes:

>Well, I don't think it is so simple as all that. How exactly do you
>expect traffic to split between the two forums? Do you not think that
>there will be postings in both which you will want to see? Do you not
>also think that the same old subjects will be reiterated in both
>forums by those who don't read both lists? It's bad enough watching
>newer list members rehash stuff which was done to death 1 2 or 3 years
>ago without paying any attention to what is in the archives.
>Duplicating that reduplication sounds like a waste of time to me.

One of the key phrases in Jester's original posting re: alt-pynchon was that
it could be "less literary" than this list.  I dunno if a non-literary
discussion of TRP's work'd be possible, but frankly I like it here with the
.edu crowd, and the poor devil sub-subs who work in libraries and
bookstores. They tend to think and write more clearly, and to be better
informed than most others.  I work in telecom, and get to see every day how professionals think and write.  Ugh!

...No, Jester, I don't buy your attempt to equate "preterite" with "stupid
and obnoxious" as you suggested in one posting.  I don't think that your
suggestion is in line with TRP's writings either. Marginalized, maybe, but
not "stupid and obnoxious."  That said, I really don't mind the
reduplication involved in having a list as well as a newsgroup.  "Waste" is
just part of the terrain--or domain, rather.
                               -j minnich

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