John Sinclair

Thu Oct 24 14:34:00 CDT 1996

Ted Samsel wrote:

>   Didn't this first show up in the late '60s with the Detroit scene

> of the MC5 and the White Panthers?  Free John (somebody...)

Free John Sinclair!



Doesn't John Lennon have a song 'bout this guy, somethin 'bout "if he was 
a CIA, selling dope and making hay", "shootin gooks in Vietnam", ya got 
ta got a got a set him free (slide guitar now).  Think it's on Sometime 
in NYC.  Wasn't  he also Joan Baez's husband?

Now if we could only lure TRP away from proofing those galleys, exchange 
a few

Thelonius Monk audio samples, maybe even light up a few reefers for

old times sake, we could have us a *real* party.

Andrew Dinn


There must be someway this can be done cyber-wise.  Gonna have to take 
another look at Tron...

Richard Romeo

Coordinator of Cooperating Collections

The Foundation Center-NYC


rromeo at

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