GRGR3: Discussion Opener for Section 3
matthew.percy at
matthew.percy at
Fri Oct 25 17:58:37 CDT 1996
I've been thinking about L.A. and PYnchon alot lately... In Mike Davis
incredible book on L.A., _City of Quartz_ and its history, he cites Pynchon
quite a
bit (especially the famous descriptions of San Narciso and Southern
Calfornia in _CL49_), which got me pretty interested in the conclusion of
_GR_'s location (L.A.). Thinking of Los Angeles as the most
technologized city in America (and at teh time of _GR_, the world) , the
end-point of American imperialism/expansionism makes the conclusion of
_GR_ read much more like a jeremiad, and helps connect it nicely to the
sections on the Zone and WWII. I'd recommend Davis' book to everyone, v.
well written and Pynchonian to the extreme; there's even an
interesting discussion on the experience of European
intellectuals-in-exile during the 30s and WWII, in particular those of
Adorno, Horkheimer, Mann...
- Matt
n Fri, 25 Oct 1996, Brent Buescher wrote:
> hankhank at writes:
> >In Los Angeles, during WWII. Do I smell some kinda quirky displacements
> >here?
> Yeah... actually I've tried reading GR with the mindset "This is all
> really happening in LA" with interesting results. Recommended.
> Brent
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