
Gardener Cady cadyg at elwha.evergreen.edu
Sun Oct 27 19:29:17 CST 1996

On Sun, 27 Oct 1996, Brian D. McCary wrote:
> Given Pynchon's quirky tastes (I stopped reading books w/ TRP blurbs, and I
> found the Lotion interview singularly uncompelling) I wouldn't put
> something at the BB level past him.  
> ...
> Brian McCary

Speaking of that Lotion article, I saw it in whatever magazine it was in, 
but did not buy it.  Does anybody have an Etext copy of it?  I would like 
to see how uncompelling it is.  I did buy a lotion album (well actually a 
cassette, didn't want to spend a whole lot of money on a CD I'd never 
heard), I didn't really get into it all that much, wondered what TP heard 
in them.  Anybody on this list into Lotion? 

G. Cady  

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