Heidegger and Nixon (was Re: What?)

hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
Wed Sep 4 22:18:37 CDT 1996

On Wed, 4 Sep 1996 paul.murphy at utoronto.ca wrote:

> Though the Heideggerian question isn't "What" (the Platonic ti to on) but 
> rather the more Husserlian "How" -- not "what is being" (enquiring after 
> essence or after the 'beingness' (Seiendheit) of being) but how being 
> comes to presence, how it presences (within the 
> horizon opened up by the 'there' of 'there-being' (Da-sein)). Whether 
> Heid. 'quits asking' this question is contentious to say the least 
> (though something called "German Dasein" does, for a time, get tangled up 
> in the question).

> Cheers,
> Paul Murphy

My bus will pass Guadalupe at 24th Street in less than ten minutes -- back 
from Book People where Kinky Friedman was advertising his new  book _The 
Love Song of J. Edgar Hoover_, and just rushed to the UT Comp Lab on the 
way home to check the mail -- so I'll try to write more tomorrow, but  
suffise to say now -- thanks for the fine reply, Paul -- that perhaps the 
question is neither the ontological 'what' nor the epistemological 'how' 
but rather, if not the sole question mark itself, then the processual 
'what gives?' (Sorry, couldn't resist the temptation -- born a joker etc.)


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