Heidegger and Nixon (was Re: What?)

Paul Murphy paul.murphy at utoronto.ca
Wed Sep 4 23:35:15 CDT 1996

Heikki writes:

thanks for the fine reply, Paul -- that perhaps the
>question is neither the ontological 'what' nor the epistemological 'how'
>but rather, if not the sole question mark itself, then the processual
>'what gives?' (Sorry, couldn't resist the temptation -- born a joker etc.)

And the cutely Heideggerian response, from _On Time and Being_ (1964?),
would be, "It gives" -- Es gibt Sein, und Es gibt Zeit -- "it gives (there
is) being and it gives (there is) time" (another untranslatable
Heideggerian pun). Leaving R.M.Nixon asking, "What?"


P.S. Probably the subject for another post, but what the hey -- if we're
being *really* micrological about this GR of GR, before we get to the
epigrams, we should talk about the dedication (standing alongside the
'mother and father' _Vineland_ dedication as a rarity for TRP) ... which
may or may not have something to say to von Braun ...

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