
Thu Sep 5 11:10:27 CDT 1996

Jeff remonstrates:
"Surely you jest, Don:
>"What?" is interesting.  I've often quoted that line myself, and have
>heard many others use it in what has to be--often anachronistically--a cross
>reference to GR.  Has anyone gone through the Nixon tapes at the National
>Archives to provide an exact citation?
Who among us hasn't said "What?"?!  If Nixon never did, then he's a better
man than Georges Perec, who wrote that shaggy dog of a novel that
completely excludes the letter E (translated into English by someone who
also successfully avoided any use of E)."

Uh, I think I did use that smiley emoticon ( :-) ).  Is there a more advanced
emoticon for "facetious"?

But I *do* wonder if Nixon ever, Profanely, said "Wha?"  (He said lots of
other stuff profanely [lower case] though.)

Don Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)

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