GRGR1: Discussion opener for section 1
Andrew Dinn
andrew at
Fri Sep 20 06:44:55 CDT 1996
So, here we are at the end of the reading period/start of the
discussion period on pages 3 - 16, GRGR(1). The discussion period will
continue until 4/10/96. I have come up with a few questions or topics
which struck me as worth following up which I will present below.
Also, if any of you have suitable texts, graphics or audio clips mail
me (or the list if they are a reasonable size) and I will install them
under the GRGR WWW page at
Before moving on to the discussion let me remind you that the reading
of GRGR(2) also commences today. The Penguin/Picador page numbers are
17 - 29 and the opening and closing words are
Teddy Bloat's on his lunch hour. . . .
yes the great bright hand reaching out of the cloud. . . .
The WWW address given above also contains full details of the group
reading tour, instructions for passengers and a full trip itinerary
indicating all major ports of call.
Now here are some openers for the GRGR(1) discussion:
1) The opening dream sequence steps down into an enframing narrative
set in the apartment. Why does Pynchon start in medias res and in a
nested context? What does this achieve?
2) What does the *dream* signify?
What? Does the dream *signify*?
What *does* the dream signify?
What does the *waking up* signify?
3) The first word in the book (p 3) is A, the A-4, the Angel. As and
Vs, Arrows and Vectors, Angels and Virgins, Ands and Vels (ors)
are highly visible throughout GR. Do these opposed pairs relate
to the lone V in V? And if so how?
4) "It has happened before but there is nothing to compare it to now"
Why nothing to compare it to if it has happened before? What is
*it*, anyway?
5) Why is this `not a disentabglement from, but a progressive
*knotting into*' (p 3).
6) What exactly are all those bananas about?
7) `Incoming mail'?
8) Who is narrating the dream, the waking up, the trek to the greenhouse?
e.g. how does Pirate get to the loo? Who says 'Pick bananas'? (p 7)
9) Anyone know the song (have a bana-na p 8)? Care to post a sound clip?
10) Ok, so Pirate is a disturbed individual. But is the fantasy fantasy
perhaps a fantasy too far?
11) What does `your sound will be the sizzling night' actually mean?
What? Does `your sound will be the sizzling night' actually mean . . .
12) Anyone know the song (the san-jak of No-vi Pa-zar! p 14). Care to etc.
13) Who are `The Firm'? (aka `Them' p 14). Just how many Firms are there?
Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say: I flow.
To the rushing water speak: I am.
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