A Soul In Ev'ry Stone

BRIAN ANTONAK Brian.D.Antonak at maf.nasa.gov
Thu Apr 3 15:17:12 CST 1997

Brett gave his thoughts and then asked me:
>What do you think it means?  How did it make you feel?

Well, I 'm not sure how it made me feel -- I can't separate my feelings for 
these words from the feeling I always get upon reading the last page of a good 
book, namely a lump in my throat.  I interpreted the last line as more Soul vs. 
Body distinction, where "stone", like "meat" before it, is a derogatory word for 
one's body.  But then that doesn't jibe with the line above it, which almost 
seems like a Gaia/Mother Earth at-one-with-Nature-ism.  But I agree with Brett 
that the song is a hopeful note to finish the novel.  Maybe a bit of gallows 
humor.  I'm still wond'ring about the "Towers" and the "Riders": what 
specifically does anyone think these represent.  Seems to me that the Towers are 
the establishment -- even they die in the end, under the "light" of mortality 
[???].  And maybe the Riders are the strong, willful Preterite, the ones who are 
able to live outside Their systems.  Please, any disagreement is greatly 



"There is a hand to turn the time,
Though thy glass today be run,
Till the light that hath brought the Towers low
Find the last poor Pret'rite one...
Till the Riders sleep by ev'ry road,
All through our crippl'd Zone,
With a face on ev'ry mountainside,
And a soul in ev'ry stone..."

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