Case Closed and Paranoia

Tue Apr 8 11:38:32 CDT 1997

And, just often enough, one of the Conspiracies That Can't Be (if the CIA had 
tried to kill Castro, they would have succeeded; Westmoreland/Nixon&Kissinger 
has[ve] more information about Vietnam, and are therefore doing the right thing;
high-ranking Mexican drug officials wouldn't take bribes from traffickers and 
endanger relations with the U.S.; etc.) turns out to be true.

The steps from planning exploding cigars killing Castro to Ros(e?)well aren't so
far as we'd hope. (Though ensuring that the Buffalo Bills/Minnesota 
Vikings/Denver Broncos never win a Super Bowl may be beyond even the best of 
Masonic Conspirators, all evidence contrariwise notwithstanding.)

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Subject: Re: Case Closed and Paranoia
Author:  rhaenda at at dbnaccip
Date:    4/8/97 11:12 AM

I think that paranoia has displaced conventional religious doctrinal 
elements.  Instead of the Trinity or the Law or Submission or the 4-Fold 
Path, we have Those Who Really Run Things.  The practices of religion 
have been replaced by television viewing. A deep and detailed conspiracy 
provides an explanation for the horrifying events which television and 
other media display.  Now we also have the internet serving as the gossip 
fence of the global village.  Without conspiracies, we would have to face 
a world where self-aggrandizing misfits like Oswald can change history by 
a single violent act.  A world without conspiracy is a world without 
masterminds, without people in charge, without grownups; it is a world 
where everyone just muddles through.  Pretty bleak place dontcha think?  
No, we need Them whether They are powerful institutions or traditions or 
the nameless dread lurking on a mailing list somewhere. Better them than 
the void.


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