unsubscribing, M&D traffic jam?

Craig G. Bleakley cgbleak at rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu
Fri Apr 11 15:01:29 CDT 1997

A good friend of mine, whom I've informed of the current "unsubscription"
drive, recently responded thusly:

>Well gollee, unsubscribing from that list just because there's a new Holy
Text seems about as fuzzy in its thinking as unsubscribing from yer continer
cuz there's a UFO behind that Comet!  Life's gonna go on.  I aint zactly
plannin on getting round to the book right away.  I'll probably jes savor
the fact of its bein for a while--maybe sleep with a copy under the pillow
as a talisman against bad juju.   But  . . . great horny toads!  I aint
gonna cut my nose to spite my face!  And this idear of a "Purr reading" or
somethin makes ya sound like a buncha high-falutin New Critics!  
>you got that delete key.  I'll bet yer already pretty quick on the draw
with it.  Use it!!!
>Yosemitie Sam

Which got me to thinking: is the big problem we're all likely to encounter
(those of us who stay) that of deleting two or three hundred messages a day?
Is that a factor in people's decision?  Is this an actual problem,
technical-wise, or is my paranoia about  the smallness of my drive some form
of computer envy?  Are there ways of keeping the traffic down to mere
gridlock without jeapordizing rights?

Traffic is my main concern becuase many of us, myself included, are minutia
freaks when it comes to Pynchon. But even if I, like my friend Sam, don't
exactly begin reading M&D whilst driving home from the bookstore, I'm not
thinking of unsubscribing.  I think the folks at Mission Control have done a
splendid job of anticipating "foreshadowing" problems with M&D through their
friendly subject-line suggestions.
If you're considering unsubscribing, you certainly don't owe anyone an
explanation.  But measures are being taken to flag M&D-related messages. I'm
rather curious as to the component factors of the decision, if you'd be so kind.

Craig Bleakley
Offical Curmudgeon of the Pynchon Newsgroup  

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