First printing V.

Everett & Son Books msykora at
Tue Apr 15 00:01:06 CDT 1997

Hello foax-
	A first edition of 'V.' in fine/fine condition should bring $1400 to 
$1800 if purchased from a dealer. This book is a bit tricky in that the 
publisher, Lippincott, almost always states 'first edition' on the copyright 
page (since 1925); the first of 'V' did not. The 'point' on this book is
that there are no reviews on the back cover. 
	Probably best not to let your friend know this... take him/her to 
dinner and after a few glasses, find out if he has any similar books he/she 
care to part with... a-and, well, let me know.

y'r obdt. Svt., Dale.  (BTW, I am on page 31 of M&D (my prized ARC) and IMHO,
			Pynch-heads are in for a hell of a ride.)

Gonzo vs. the Jabberwocky wrote:
> There was some conversation a while back as to the value of a first
> printing GR. Now, not too long ago, I discovered a first printing of V. on
> a friend's bookshelf. For a couple of bucks, he parted with it, and it's
> now sitting on my shelf, in place of the paperback copy I lent away (and
> whose pages I'm feeling less and less certain of ever seeing again.)
> Anyway, it's beggin to know if the $2.95 penciled inside its embossed
> cover is a little off.
> Anybody have even a faint idea?

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