Walker and Repo Man

Philip Christman pchris56 at calvin.edu
Fri Apr 18 14:32:16 CDT 1997

Unlurking for once...
On Fri, 18 Apr 1997, Andrew Clarke Walser wrote:
> 	Between SID AND NANCY and WALKER came the little-seen,
> awful-in-a-compelling-way STRAIGHT TO HELL, notable mostly for the screen
> debut (I believe) of Courtney Love 

actually, if this film came out after S+N, it wasn't the screen debut of
courtney love.  she was in sid and nancy (one of the greatest films i've
ever seen) as a friend of nancy's.  
not trying to be a know-it-all or anything, just thought i'd point that

 an appearance by the Pogues as a
> gang of coffee-addicted outlaws.

right on!  the pogues were awesome!  i'll have to watch this movie.

> 	Alex Cox, incidentally, once described the film TOP GUN as a
> "jumped-up, wanking, tin pot piece of fascism."  
right on, once again.
have a nice day, everyone.
phil christman (pchris56 at calvin.edu)
"talking heads?  is that the name of a band?  what an awful name!"
some guy, upon bumping into david byrne, jerry harrison and tina weymouth
in 1976

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