Walker and Repo Man

andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
Mon Apr 21 11:56:00 CDT 1997

hankhank at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu writes:

> Yes. The ending lines are pretty memorable, too. The radioactive car
> will let in only this oldtimer who hasn't previously been able to drive,
> and he invites Estevez to join him. The car takes off and they start
> zigzagging in space {quoting from my memory, too, correct me if etc.):

> Emilio: "This is intense!"
> Oldtimer: "The work of a repo man is always intense!"

Actually, this sequence occurs not at the end but relatively early on
in the film. It's in the scene when Emilio first gets picked up by Bud
(Harry Dean Stanton) and they go chasing the Rodriguez brothers round
what looks like a concreted in river bed. Harry Dean Stanton says

    HDS: The *life* of a repo man is always intense.

and then follows it up with the line

    HDS: That's why there isn't a Repo Man I know who doesn't take
    EE: Speed?!

    Cut to shot of Emilio hoovering up a large line.

And my favourite line from the film is when HDS is standing outside
the Rodriguez brother's place and calls them (at high volume) `gypsy
dildo dipshit motherfucker Rodriguez brothers!'. Even better in the TV
version where all the motherfuckers become melon farmers.

Andrew Dinn
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say:  I flow.
To the rushing water speak:  I am.

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