I get the feeling we ain't communicating like we used to

Heikki Raudaskoski hraudask at sun3.oulu.fi
Mon Apr 21 12:17:07 CDT 1997

On Mon, 21 Apr 1997 andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk wrote:
> Actually, this sequence occurs not at the end but relatively early on
> in the film. It's in the scene when Emilio first gets picked up by Bud
> (Harry Dean Stanton) and they go chasing the Rodriguez brothers round
> what looks like a concreted in river bed. Harry Dean Stanton says
>     HDS: The *life* of a repo man is always intense.

It occurs twice. Twice at least. At the end, too.
The *life* of a RM, as I corrected my slip already. 

11 years of repoing cars and what have I got: shit.

ccwf.cc.utexas.edu has been down since Friday. And
hanky days will be over soon, anyway. I subscribed
from my Finnish account, and will be using it from 
now on. Maybe I will be given an account for my 3 
summer months at Miami U, Oxford, Ohio, who knows. 

I made a reservation for M&D at the local Borders
bookstore. They advertise the book conspicuously 
as "antihistorical".... Let's go do those crimes.


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