"Jules's" book

jester jester at snet.net
Wed Apr 23 20:07:39 CDT 1997

Hmmmm... just my 2 bits here.

Personally, I'll probably read the blasted thing, and it'll probably be
rather entertaining...  but can't stomach the fact that Jules's appearance
on the list was a ruse and "fact finding" (post stealing) mission.  That's
just unethical in my book.  Sure, if he had told everyone what he was up to,
it would've spoiled the spontanaety of the project, but damnit -- he
should've gotten permission from EVERYONE whose posts he put into the
book...before reaching the published stage.

I was one of those who supported him during his visit.  I corresponded with
him off0list, and I even sent him a book (Italo Calvino's _If on a Winter's
Night a Traveler_).  My posts weren't used (and I WOULD HAVE given
permission), but damnit, even *I* feel betrayed.

As for email being copyright protected...the law hasn't caught up to the
technology...BUT the MLA does have a standard for attributing authorship to
email, so something tells me Jules and his publisher (IAM) are on thin ice.
It's too bad... it DOES sound like a fun read.  It certainly is controversial.

JJ "Jester"

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