Whineland too

David Casseres casseres at apple.com
Thu Apr 24 11:03:31 CDT 1997

Steve Maas sez
>I come done on the side of those who think it's no big deal.  In fact I'm
>looking forward to getting my free copy and seeing what I said that they
>think is of interest to others.  We all should know that the P-list is
>public, and as has been pointed out the archive is there for posterity
>anyhow.  Simple logic should tell you that if you don't want something to
>be available to be seen by the world then you shouldn't post it in a
>public place. 
>As for ethical concerns, when "Shag Miller" forwarded Dale Larson's
>message to the list despite being asked not to, I think he or she lost any
>claim to self-righteousness.  Something about black pots and kettles.  At
>least Larson identified himself.

That expresses my feelings too.  There may come a time for indignation -- 
but not until after we see the book.


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