
Thu Apr 24 14:52:32 CDT 1997

     Keep in mind that copyright, contrary to the claim of another person 
     on this list, is =not= about authorship--it's about =ownership= (i.e., 
     the right to copy).
     Ask all the musicians who lost the right to their work because they 
     signed it away.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: lineland
Author:  "Henry Musikar" <gravity at> at dbnaccip
Date:    4/24/97 1:29 PM

Are you a lawyer, Kenneth? Cause I don't think you're correct. I have 
a cousin in intellectual property. I'll ask her about it.
On 24 Apr 97 at 13:14, KENNETH HOUGHTON wrote:
>      What will--or, mayhaps, has--happen(ed), of course, is that any 
>      copyright that people would have had will be superceded by IAM and the 
>      infamous Jules, who will be rather less amenable to surrendering such 
>      than many people on this list...
> ______________________________ Reply Separator 
> Subject: lineland
> Author:  mglosup at at dbnaccip 
> Date:    4/24/97 11:01 AM
> As for the insinuation that Jules hatched this scheme before his 
> subscription -- I seriously doubt  it and only the Pynchon list 
> would spend an inordinate amount of time exploring that possibility .  
> If I remember correctly, Andrew Dinn invited Jules to the list.
> This book is not going to rocket past Clancey and Grisham on the 
> NYT bestseller list.  I doubt the film rights will be sold. Jules and 
> Dale are not going to become multi-millionaires from this 
> publication.   
Henry Musikar
Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Moderation in moderation. -- Husky Mariner

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