Why I don't have M&D yet

Diana York Blaine dyb0001 at jove.acs.unt.edu
Sat Apr 26 15:43:20 CDT 1997

**************NOT A SPOILER MESSAGE****************************
So I call my local (35 miles away) Borders, and the guy (who's never heard
of Pynchon BTW) looks on his computer and says "we have lots of copies in"

so I drive down there in the rain, all excited, winding through legions 
of Good Old Boys in their pickup trucks on the I 35, walk up to the
counter, ask for the book, and _then_ he finishes his sentence

"but we can't sell them until April 30."

Another Bordertron took pity and got one out of the back which he let me
fondle and sniff.  Say, it's a hefty little baggage, isn't it? Anyway, the
trip to Lewisville wasn't a total loss as I was able to take in a meeting
of the local 12-step group for those who appear in _Lineland_ and admit
they're powerless over it.

Diana (enjoy your read, boys) Blaine

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