I heart Jules :-)

ckaratnytsky ckaratnytsky at nypl.org
Mon Apr 28 13:43:26 CDT 1997

     uh-oh, Malcolm gets the willies:
     >"Tough shit, my friends"? I dearly hope this list isn't infiltrated 
     >with solipsistic geeks with nothing better to do with their time than 
     >flick their zits at cyberstrangers.
     Grrrrreeeetings, Malcolm, and welcome -- your flak jacket and 
     clearasil are in the cyber-cloakroom!
     I may be a solipsist but, excuse me, sir -- geek?  Them's fightin' 
     words!  ;-)
     (Don't run away scared, now, this'll blow over in due time.)

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