I heart Jules :-)

Henry Musikar gravity at nicom.com
Mon Apr 28 23:20:45 CDT 1997

Malcolm -

Check out the sensibility and rhythm of this list before you start
trying to dictate how we should communicate on it. If you don't like
it, don't let the closing windows catch your butt on the way out. 

Start your own list some place: The REAL Pynchon List, where the list
gestapo will ensure that messages that aren't certified "P-related"
(prelated? pre-elated?) are forbidden. It never fails that the geeks
most concerned with "bandwidth" waste by going on and on on the
subject. Over and


On 28 Apr 97 at 18:06, Malcolm Lawrence <Malcolm at wolfenet.com> wrote:

> >Hey Malcolm...I really think that you're a bit out-of-line here. 
> >You said that you're new to the list -- well, you happen to have
> >jumped in at a time which might be a bit confusing for a newcomer.
> I already found out what the scoop is.
> >There's some shit going on with regard to a book just published by
> >Jules Siegel which has some p-listers upset.
> So? What's the problem? If the book's already been published take it
> up with the publisher. File a class action lawsuit if it means that
> much to you. Don't take up bandwidth on a stupid listserv about it.
> Flame wars never get you anywhere. If it upsets you that much DO
> something about it.
> >Chris K. gave you a pretty decent greeting to which you replied 
> belligerently >and now you're talking shit to David C.
> >What's the problem?
> I'm just trying to draw the attention away from the flame war so we
> can talk about Pynchon and his texts, which I've already had some
> emails from other newcomers who don't give a toss about this
> argument and who, surprise surprise, want to talk about Tom.
> Now getting back to that nose job...
> Malcs

Henry Musikar

Keep cool, but care. -- TRP
Moderation in moderation. -- Husky Mariner

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