Getting M&D Overseas...and I got mine.
Joe Varo
vjvaro at
Wed Apr 30 14:13:40 CDT 1997
I'm so ecstatic I just had to announce it:
Picked up my copy from MediaPlay at about 2:30 PM EST, 30 April 97. This
particular store only got in 5 copies.
More seriously, those of you who are having problems getting M&D in places
other than the US and UK (e.g. Craig in South Africa and Umberto in Italy)
....won't, Henry Holt, or any bookstores in the US or UK ship
you a copy? Granted, you'd have to pay a hefty shipping charge, but if it
means getting a copy in the forseeable future, might it not be worth it?
But then again, I've no idea what it might cost to ship this Thing.
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