M&D: Smallest possible spoiler (chapter 3)

Paul Mackin mackin at allware.com
Wed Apr 30 20:51:15 CDT 1997

From: 	Paul York[SMTP:psyork at english.umass.edu]

I'm hearing a drop in volume and a rise in pitch, a sort of trailing 
off...?  (I also visualize the speaker failing to make eye contact with 
the speakee -- textually justifiable? Ennh.)  Not unlike my own speech 
pattern when I try to run an unusually dumb idea by my wife, "Honey, I 
figured I'd save us some money and fix the alternator myself...?"

>>>Don't know if this is relevant but people in the military sometimes
say that dealing with one's commanding officer requires the same
techniques as dealing with one's wife. The reasoning may be sexist but
it's what subordinates may well believe and act on. Paul didn't mean
it that way,  taking the blame himself. :-)  By the way,  how did Cervantes punctuate Sancho's talk to Don Quixote?

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