MDMD(5) Chap 15 Notes

hw hw at
Sat Aug 2 16:32:15 CDT 1997

>>>>> "Eric" == Eric Alan Weinstein <E.A.Weinstein at> writes:

    Eric> 162.10 `Sobald das Geld in Kasten Klingt, [. . . ] Die Selle
    Eric> aus dem Fegefeur springt' (roughly) As soon as the money
    Eric> clatters in the chest, the soul jumps out of Purgatory. Is
    Eric> this a quote from some source?

Its a german saying from the 16th century, the time of the luterian
reformation. It comments on the trade of "Ablassbriefe"( don't know
the englisch expression). You could buy those "Ablassbriefe" from the
church to reduce the time your soul had to stay in purgatory. The
money raised from that was partly used to build St. Peters Cathedral
in Rome, which leads neatly to the next question:

    Eric> 164.10`the Painted Italian Whore' ---The Catholic Church?
    Eric> Just an ordinary British Protestant rude name for that
    Eric> institution, or attached to some patricular episode?

In additon to the link Tim Ware gave, you might want to check out:

which is in german as well.

You don't have to go through the bullshit
to find out what the bull ate.
-- Cpt. Beefheart

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