hodge podge

andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk andrew at cee.hw.ac.uk
Mon Aug 4 11:18:00 CDT 1997

EBURNS at ap.org writes:

[re `Hodge shall not be shot']

> 1. Unless my sodden brain has finally utterly failed, the quote about Hodge
> the cat's unshootability is the epigraph for Nabokov's PALE FIRE.

I say (with Meredith) of the above-mentioned epigram with reference to
Kinbote and maybe also Nabokov

    Let this be offered as his epitaph
    Through very love of self himself he slew.

Andrew Dinn
How do you know but ev'ry bird that cuts the airy way
Is an immense world of pleasure clos'd by your senses five

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