MDMD[5] p. 155 (Clocks amd Time)

Sojourner sojourner at
Tue Aug 5 07:42:42 CDT 1997

At 05:42 PM 8/3/97 -0700, barleydog at wrote:
>         Pynchon does a strange thing to time in his novels.  M & D is
>saturated with historical accuracy, and yet history is given a subtle patina
>of the surreal.  He is able to warp time  partly by using terminology and
>references that make sense both in the historical framework, but which carry
>overtones of our own time. I'm thinking of terms like Black Hole (science)
>or Simba (Disney).

The word "Simba" means lion in Swahili.  

Do not credit the bastards at Disney for this one upon 
penalty of death (of your soul).

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