Test into Rebekah

Eric Alan Weinstein E.A.Weinstein at qmw.ac.uk
Wed Aug 6 19:32:39 CDT 1997

At 17:57 06/08/97 EST, you wrote:
.  Also, w/r/t to Mason meeting Rebekah, notice in Ch. 18 we get 
>Rebekah's view.  I'll let that wait till my turn comes around for MDMD(6)
>Richard Romeo

Ah, and there, more questions raised than questions answered be. 
Waiting around for an Indiaman? What sort of girl would? And Where? 
England? Does her professed trouble with English betray another
national identity, or is it merely like my trouble with spelling?
And what of the bed-clothes she shares with Sue Peach?
No, no, I must try to contain myself. 
You will have more fun with this in your postings. 
For, work done, now I must sleep.

Eric Alan Weinstein
University of London
E.A.Weinstein at qmw.ac.uk

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