More Conspiracy Theory

Peter Petto ppetto at
Sun Aug 10 17:58:00 CDT 1997

Well, no mention of the muted horn, but here's something of interest from a
review that ran in the Christian Science Monitor (I think, it was relayed
to me by a friendly bot). The next paragraph is an excerpt from the review:

Other classics called to mind by "Conspiracy Theory" range from "Taxi
Driver," about a Manhattan cabby who sees evil everywhere, to "The
Manchurian Candidate," about an ordinary man transformed into a killer by
weird science mixed with crooked politics. Readers might also spot echoes
of Thomas Pynchon's novel "Gravity's Rainbow," which weaves similar themes
into a tapestry that's vastly more complex.

Peter Petto         |       ppetto at
Bay Village, Ohio   |   PGP public key available

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